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VUNO Care®-Hativ®
Hativ integrates medical AI into patient’s daily life.
Hativ transforms chronic disease management by providing personalized healthcare services, empowering patients to take control of their own health.
  • Health Management Begins with Hativ

    Hativ was created to answer the question: “How can medical AI be incorporated into daily life to improve health management?”.
    Personal health management starts in the household, with the use of home use medical devices for chronic disease management, such as ECG monitor, blood pressure monitor, thermometer etc.

  • Health Management with HativCare

    HativCare app is used to manage various health information like ECG, blood pressure, blood glucose level, weight etc.
    With HativCare, health management can be simple, intuitive and convenient.
    Become healthier by managing the small changes in your health everyday with HativCare

  • Home healthcare wih Doctor-like AI

    VUNO aims to provide patient-centric healthcare with advanced AI-based technology.
    AI-enabled health management provides not only disease prevention and management, but also prediction and diagnosis to help patients manage their health from the comfort of their homes.

  • Hativ P30

    Hativ P30 is a medical grade ECG monitor that allows users to take and record 6-lead ECG in 30 seconds.

    Simply place the device on your body and Hativ P30 will do the rest - measuring ECG anytime, anywhere, and greater accuracy and heart activity measurement.

  • Hativ BP30

    Hativ BP30 is a digital blood pressure monitor that helps in detection and monitoring of cardiovascular disease risk.

    With a single button and user- friendly design, Hativ BP30 is easy to use and allows users to check their results immediately.

  • Hativ TP30

    Hativ TP30 is an infrared thermometer that is essential component of home health management.

    With 2-in-1 contact and non-contact temperature measurement, Hativ TP30 is approved to be used from infants to adults.


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with Hativ Now

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Hativ care to record and manage your health data

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